Publisher: Tate Publishing
Source: Author
Edition: Paperback
Pages: 380
Rating: A+
Attie Reed has finally found some happiness after the accident that took her mother’s and best friend’s lives and nearly destroyed hers. But that doesn’t mean life is going to get easier. She may not have nighttime monsters to fight, but her world is about to spin wildly out of orbit.
In the captivating, highly anticipated sequel to Stefne Miller’s Salvaged, Attie is faced with the challenge of fitting in at a new school while figuring out her next steps. Riley continues to fight with her and for her as she encounters difficult battles. He has been her protection, but he can’t protect her forever.When Attie’s father finally comes back into her life, she is faced with her most difficult decision yet: to stay in Oklahoma and keep the life she has made or return to New York to repair her relationship with her father and allow herself to heal. What happens will define who she is and who she will become. Can she fight this battle alone and Rise? Or will she continue to fall out of orbit and be lost forever?
As you guys might remember, I reviewed Salvaged close to a year ago! I gave it an A+... very well deserved. I loved everything about that book and I'm so pleased to say I feel the same way about it's sequel, Rise.
I really missed all of the characters from Salvaged, so as you can imagine, I was thrilled to be able to reunite with them. Attie, was real and relatable as always. And Riley, oh Riley, he was just as incredible and lovable as I remembered. Stefne made it really easy to dislike certain characters and then end up sympathizing with them towards themiddle/end.
I loved every piece of this book, even the heartbreaking ones. While I was reading the heartbreaking, gut wrenching parts... I became a little angry with Stefne for tearing my heart in half and making me do the ugly cry. Yes, you read it right, the ugly cry.
(Borrowed from http://fransunny.tumblr.com/)
I kind of looked like that mixed a little with this.
Along with the ugly cry, I even yelled at the book. Actually less of the book, more of Attie herself. "No, no, no! What's wrong with you?!" I remember things along those lines that coming out of my mouth.
This isn't the kind of book you read, enjoy, and then forget about a month later. I have a feeling I'm always going to remember these characters and feel the need to visit them once a year even if I already know what happens in the story.
While I was satisfied with the end of Rise, I did feel it was a little rushed. Call me selfish, but I guess I wanted to see more of the characters towards the end. Maybe I needed a little more closure just because this is (I think) the end of the Salvaged books. Other than that, I really have no complaints about this book.
Bravo, Stefne Miller. I can't wait to read Collision (new novel) and hopefully fall in love with totally new characters that will help me (try) to move on from Attie and Riley.

Oh yeah! The giveaway! I have seven signed bookmarks to give away to you guys. I originally had 10 but I was selfish and really wanted to keep one for myself! Then two of my friends who read Salvaged stole one each for themselves and refuse to give them back.
The way I'm going to do this is first come, first serve. Leave a comment with a way to get in contact with you. You can leave your email, or if you don't feel comfortable enough leaving that, leave another way for me to contact you such as Goodreads or Twitter.
Great review. I haven't read the first one, or come to think of it added it to my tbr list, well know I must. :) Sounds like a really good read.
ReplyDeleteOh yes you must add it to your list! :) These books are so fabulous.
DeleteThese sound like amazing reads! I run a ya blog too for the ya reading club I run. Id love to have one if these as our book next month! Your blog is awesome!