Source: Author
Edition: Paperback
# of Pages: 210

Readable Classics gently edits the great works of literature, retaining their essence and spirit, and making them more enjoyable and less frustrating for modern readers.Puritan Boston, 1600's -- Beautiful, defiant Hester Prynne commits adultery, refuses to name the father of her illegitimate child, and is condemned to wear a scarlet A on her breast for the rest of her life. She becomes the first true heroine of American fiction.Nathaniel Hawthorne's 1850 masterpiece was the first American novel to explore the moral struggle with sin, guilt, and pride; the conflict between the heart and the mind; and the deadly consequences of not being able to forgive ourselves and others.
Miss me? It's been a while since I've reviewed a book and it's funny because I'm not actually reading this book just for pleasure, it's for school too. That shows how much time I have... This is a hard book to review because I'm not just reviewing one author's work, I'm reviewing another's work also.
I enjoyed The Scarlet Letter although I got bored at times. It was mysterious, yet somewhat predictable. Romantic... yet lacking. I really wish they could have showed the romance that happened before the prosecution.
As for Wayne Josephson, he did a great job making the book an easier read. This is the first book I've read for a literature class that I didn't fall asleep reading! If Readable Classics has another book that I'll need to read for a literature class, I'm definitely going to have to grab it!