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Friday, May 27, 2011

Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin

Published: April 2005

Source: Borrowed from friend

Edition: Paperback

Pages: 352


Race White is the consummate good girl. A hard-working attorney at a large Manhattan law firm and a diligent maid of honor to her charmed best friend Darcy, Rachel has always played by all the rules. Since grade school, she has watched Darcy shine, quietly accepting the sidekick role in their lopsided friendship. But that suddenly changes the night of her thirtieth birthday when Rachel finally confesses her feelings to Darcy's fiancé, and is both horrified and thrilled to discover that he feels the same way. As the wedding date draws near, events spiral out of control, and Rachel knows she must make a choice between her heart and conscience. In so doing, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren't always neat, and sometimes you have to risk everything to be true to yourself. (Barnes & Noble)

From the very first page, I was absolutely hooked onto Something Borrowed. I could not put it down. The novel as a whole is witty, charming, a little mysterious, and extremely funny and entertaining even during the more serious parts of the book. It had be laughing and gasping out loud as the story unfolded.

Rachel, the main character, is turning thirty. And while she has an amazing job in Manhattan, her life is far less glamorous. Although her life isn’t all too terrible, her dreams of having a husband and a family by the age of thirty have yet to come true. While she has enjoyed single life, it becomes more prominent to her that she wants to find a husband when her best friend, Darcy, becomes engaged. Darcy and Rachel have been friends since childhood; they grew up living across

the street from one another. Darcy is outgoing and flirtatious, whereas Rachel is level-headed and focused on her career. But one night, the night of Rachel’s surprise 30th birthday, changes everything.

After a long night of partying with friends, Rachel admits to her feelings for Darcy’s fiancé – Dexter, who Rachel met during law school and then ultimately introduced to Darcy figuring they would be better off with each other because of their stunning good looks and confidence. Throughout the novel, Rachel battles her feelings for Dex while trying to be a good best friend to Darcy. The story continues to unfold as the affair between Rachel and Dex grow; it is up to the both of them to determine if this is merely a pre-marriage fling or if it is the real deal in which Dex will call off his wedding to be with Rachel.

I completely recommend this book to everyone. Although, it is a little PG-13, so read with caution. But it was an enjoyable and quick read. The sequel to Something Borrowed is Something Blue which I am adding to my reading list.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Review Policy

[We would really appreciate any authors/publishers/etc. reading our policy before emailing us!]

Firstly, I would just like to point out that BAM Book Reviews is primarily devoted to YA book reviews and news. Every so often we may review a book that isn't YA, but for the most part that is our main focus.

Genres we accept and/or consider:
  • YA (Any sub genre except non-fiction)
  • MG (Usually don't accept, but will consider)
  • Adult Fiction (Usually don't accept, but will consider)

Genres we don't accept:
  • Non-fiction (Biographical, Informational, Self-help, etc.)
  • Graphic Novels
  • Westerns
  • Also, we don't accept e-books.
[For any genre not listed above; please ask us about so we can give you an answer of whether or not we're interested and also so we can add it to one of the lists above for future reference.]

About our reviews:

All three of us are currently students so it may take us anywhere from a week to a year to review a book. We will always provide an honest, critical review of the book. We try to be as polite as possible when writing a bad review and in no way do we tell our readers not to read the book. We strongly believe that one man's trash is another's treasure (for lack of better words.) If a book is sent unsolicited to one of us for review, we will consider it but do not have to review it. If we aren't interested in reading it, then we'll either have a giveaway, donate it to a blog tour, or give it to a fellow blogger.

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask us (preferably) through email. You can either email us at the address we share (bambookreviews [at] gmail [dot]com) or directly to one particular reviewer. Our personal email addresses should be to the left unless we (for some reason) took it down or would rather not have it posted publicly.

**Lastly, we are in no way paid for our opinions. We're sent books for free in exchange of a 100% honest review.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Old Cover VS New Cover: Uglies by Scott Westerfeld



Uglies wasn't my favorite book but one thing I did like was the cover. These new covers are nice, don't get me wrong, but they're so... white. So as you can probably tell, I like the old covers more. What about you guys? Which covers do you like and why?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Amanda Project Contest!

Hi guys! Michele from Plum Willow (a really cool website that lets you share your outfit creations with other fashionistas and shop) contacted me so I can let you guys know about an awesome contest!

You might remember that I reviewed The Amanda Project by Stella Lennon a while back, and the winners of the contest will receive an autographed copy of the latest Amanda Project novel and also a $50 gift card to their favorite store on Plum Willow!

For more contest details on how to enter, click here.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Back in Action!

Hey guys! :D

So as you can tell from the title, I'm back! No more school for me... at least for a few months :P. Thank you to everyone that stuck with BAM Book Reviews during the dreadful school year, we really appreciate it! For the summer: I'll be reading all of the books in my review pile plus a few that I've bought over the past few years.

Also, in a few weeks I'll be in NYC for BEA! :) SO excited. Leave a comment telling me if you'll be there so we can meet up and take pictures! I'll be rooming with the lovely Taschima from Bloody Bookaholic and the also lovely Lexie from Poisoned Rationality. I'll be taking a ton of pictures and will try my best to get as many books to giveaway to you guys!

Other things I'll be doing this summer:

  • Going on vacation to Mexico. I am super pumped for this, especially for the plane! I've never been on one and I love heights so I'm assuming I'm going to enjoy it. Oh yeah, Mexico will be fun, too.
  • Moving into my very own apartment! No more dorm rooms, hallelujah! I'll make sure to post pictures, not like anyone cares, but it'll be pretty cool to document such a sweet experience.
  • Also, like I said above, I'll be going to BEA. This is probably the most exciting experience of my life. I've never been to BEA and I do plan on moving to NYC after college so it'll be pretty amazing to see what it's like to live there for a week.
I think that's all I really have to say as of now but I am super excited to get back in the habit of reading and also checking my favorite blogs!